How nutritionists help

So, you hear the term nutritionist and immediately your mind goes to “they are just going to investigate my diet”. Well, as a holistic nutritionist, food is just the start. We also delve deep into your other lifestyle factors such as sleep habits, daily routine, work environment, exercise, and much, much more.

A holistic nutritionist looks at treating the whole person, rather than just the symptoms present. This means we will investigate the connection of the mind, body and soul to be able to restore your optimal health.

Importantly, nutritionists are concerned with long-term change. They will encourage a sustainable approach to ensure treatment supports a lifelong relationship with food and body that sets the individual up for optimal health and wellbeing.

Education is provided through tips, handouts and verbally during consults, and will take into account the personal attributes, lifestyle factors and health goals of the individual. For instance, if an individual has a history of yo-yo dieting, a good nutritionist can help to mitigate against the information overload associated with fad diets, and provide the clarity needed to cut through conflicting health messaging.

Nutritionists are concerned with getting to any underlying condition or issue that may be causing symptoms. We understand that improving a diet is not always enough on its own, and we work alongside conventional medical practitioners to ensure a thorough approach and the best health outcomes. We can refer onto GPs, or organise external testing such as food sensitivity tests, urine or stool tests to get to the root cause of your health concern.

With proper nutrition and lifestyle management tips, we can reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, insulin resistance, fatty liver, diabetes and more!  

For anyone who has struggled with their health, diet, or body image, seeing a nutritionist is a step you can take to invest in yourself and feel confident you are making the best choices for your physical and mental wellbeing. Speaking to an accredited nutritionist will significantly increase your chances of successfully achieving your health-related goals. Whether that’s a specific health concern, or simply getting back on track, it all comes down to being the best version of yourself.

To find out how your specific situation may benefit from a consultation, consider booking a discovery call (it’s free) and I can help to answer any questions you may have.

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Heidi is the founder of Heidi Rose Nutrition. She is a clinical nutritionist based in Sydney, Australia.


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